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Sportspersons Welfare Forum

We are the most populous country in the world. However, when it comes to performance in International Sporting Events, we don’t fare very well. In order to make India a sports super power, we need to promote sports culture in India. There are different dimensions of promoting sports culture. One important dimension is increasing number of children who are taking part in sporting activities and other is retaining those children who are already playing.

When it comes to retention, providing a good positive playing environment, positive atmosphere, good ambience and also a system which is in place to resolve any kind of issues which an athlete may face. It needs to be understood that these are very critical points which play a huge role in developing a good sporting culture. Our preliminary studies have shown that during his/her playing career, a sportsperson has to face numerous issues or challenges. Currently there is no system in place to take care of those issues.

There are times when the player does not know how to get his issued sorted or get his problems resolved. He / She doesn’t know whom to approach and how to approach for solutions? He / She does not know how to get himself / herself heard.

This is where the Sportspersons Welfare Forum (SWF) comes into picture. The main objective of SWF will be to receive Querys / issues of sportspersons and forward them to the right place. Basically, Sportspersons Welfare Forum will act as a link between a player and the solution provider. The idea is to provide an avenue to players, a medium for players to raise their voice and get their challenges sorted.

Query Form

Name *
Mobile *
Age *
Gender *
Attached File (PDF/JPEG) (less than 1 mb)
Describe your Query (Maximum Word 500) *