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Hospitals where it was used:

1.    Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital, Ghaziabad.

2.    Santosh Medical University, Ghaziabad.

3.    Max Hospital, Ghaziabad.

4.    Mayo Medical College, Lucknow.

5.    Few Government Hospitals.

Covid Patients who were admitted in different hospitals were under stress and they were showing signs of irritation, depression, anxiety etc.

On being asked what is being done to help them overcome their anxiety, it was told that they’re being made to watch news channels.

A recommendation was given to show them Sports Channels instead of news channels and observe if there’s any change in their behaviour and mindset. — (which is just a part of Indirect Sports Therapy).

The results that we got were very positive.

Since, a part of Indirect Sports Therapy showed considerable improvement in the psyche of patients in our pilot study, this should be implemented at pan India level and shouldn’t be confined to just hospitals or Covid Centres.

As per the Indian Psychiatry Society data: –

1.    Impact on mental health: A recent survey by the Indian Psychiatry Society (IPS) found that the number of mental illness cases had increased by 20% since the lockdown, and that at least one in five Indians were affected. The IPS warned that the loss of livelihood and increasing levels of economic hardship, isolation, as well as the rise in domestic abuse amid the pandemic could trigger a new mental health crisis in India and “may substantially increase the risk of suicide.”

2.    Children face increased risk: Psychiatrists warn that children are at particular risk of developing mental health problems as a result of the pandemic, citing forced isolation and increased level of family violence during the lockdown as detrimental to their wellbeing.

Also, as per WHO, India has the highest teenage suicide rates in the world.

Earlier research conducted also established that Sports strengthens the character and personality of a person and keeps him/her away from depression.

Due to scarcity of time and limited resources at our disposal, the Therapy was confined to showing Sports Channels. However, it includes numerous other measures which can be undertaken.

Therefore, it’s high time, Indirect Sports Therapy should be administered across the country.


Dr. Kanishka Pandey
Sports Research Centre,
IMT Ghaziabad

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